Best Sciatica Treatment in Noida.
In simple terms, pain in the lower back can be experienced in the lower region of the spine (between the lower margin of the ribs and the sticky folds). It may localize on the back or radiate the legs.

Sciatica is a term used for pain that radiates from the lower spine to the legs. The most common cause of sciatica is irritation or compression of nerves as they exit the spine in the path of the feet. It may be accompanied by numbness, tingling, and weakness in the distribution of the affected nerve.
Globally, low back pain (low back pain) is one of the leading causes of disability. Low back pain is an important cause of lack of activity, resulting in absence from work with financial implications. In industrialized countries, the lifespan of nonspecific low back pain is estimated at 60–70%. Despite the high incidence and intensive research in this area, it is not easy to identify pain drivers and the diagnosis of low back pain is commonly used. This is different from situations where a specific cause such as fracture, infection, neoplasia, etc. can be identified. Responsible for the generation of pain.

Tag:- Best Sciatica Treatment in Noida
Source and probable cause
Back pain can come from many sources and some common causes include
Tag:- Spine Specialist in Noida
· Herniated disc, degenerative disc disease
· Sacroiliac and facet joints
· Sprains / Ligaments / Sprains / Injuries
· Decreased spinal canal — spinal stenosis
· Spondylolisthesis
· Fracture, trauma
· Autoimmune diseases
· Infections
· Cancer
· Management
Dr.Himanshu Tyagi offers minimal invasive and non-surgical management options. A combination of a complete history, examination and investigation is used to identify pain triggers and develop a management plan. As with other chronic pain conditions, the preferred approach is multimodal multidisciplinary management based on a biopsychical model of pain. It involves using a combination of different methods to provide maximum relief with minimal side effects. Follow these links to find out how medicine, physical therapy and psychology can help adapt. They are used with injections, lifestyle changes (such as speed of activities, weight control, smoking cessation, etc.